Project Hannah

More Stories


God, Protect Me from Anger

"God, protect me from anger," was the prayer of Chanda, a Cambodian woman who understands the story of Hannah in the biblical book of 1 Samuel.… read more


Praising God Through the Storm

Dear Project Hannah, I am so thankful you send Project Hannah’s prayer calendar to me every month, and that TWR-Myanmar does not forget me.… read more


Healing Wounded Hearts

By her own admission, Judith* was “drowning in depression.” Though her marriage to her military-man husband was fine, she hid her… read more


Behind the Wall (China)

Xingjuan* didn’t know what was wrong. She was dizzy and couldn’t get out of bed. It had been nearly a week since her son came home from… read more


A Song of Freedom

Several years ago, TWR’s partner in Paraguay invited Project Hannah to initiate its ministry of compassion and encouragement to suffering women… read more

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