Project Hannah

Why Project Hannah

About Us

Around the world, women are hiding. Some hide behind veils so thick that not even their eyes are visible. Others are hiding in their homes, afraid to come out for fear of being raped or killed in time of war, or disfigured just because they dare to go to school. Hundreds of women have been burned alive by their own relatives in the name of “family honor.” Still others hide inside themselves, beaten down by daily abuse and neglect which hollows out the joy in their eyes, leaving only a sense of duty to keep them alive.

Project Hannah seeks to meet the needs of the whole woman, providing practical advice, spiritual guidance and an international prayer movement.

God expresses in His Word the great love He has for the widows, orphans and oppressed in the world. He calls each one of us to provide these precious ones with the opportunity to hear the Word of God through the voice of love. We are His vessels to carry healing to the brokenhearted.

Ministry Vision

Project Hannah is a ministry of TWR offering compassion, encouragement and hope to suffering women worldwide through prayer, awareness, radio programming and mercy ministries.


Project Hannah (PH) international ministry teams are answering God’s call by caring for the suffering through prison ministries, refugee assistance, care for AIDS patients and orphans, and much more. These teams show the love of God in tangible ways every day, around the world. PH also promotes awareness of women’s issues by speaking at churches, women’s groups, conferences and other events.

Radio Programming

Radio can reach women where they are, no matter their social status, culture or location. That’s why PH chose a radio broadcast to proclaim the hope of Jesus Christ. The friend-to-friend style of the Women of Hope program is simple and attractive, yet challenging. The broadcasts share practical advice and insight, letting listeners know they are understood and loved—especially by God. First aired in 1998, Women of Hope is broadcast today in more than 64 languages from hundreds of AM, FM and shortwave radio stations. Through Women of Hope, women each day are meeting Jesus, the only One who can heal all their wounds.


Rooted in prayer and fasting, PH has become a global prayer movement, with prayer partnerships in over 100 countries. A monthly prayer calendar, distributed in over 40 languages, provides requests and up-to-date information about specific countries or areas of focus for concentrated prayer.

Mercy Ministries

Mercy Ministries is Project Hannah’s on-the-ground ministry initiative into the spiritually needy countries. They provide a wide variety of services, not limited to, but including:

  • Prayer Groups
  • Health Seminars
  • Listener’s Rallies
  • Prison Ministries
  • Visitation
  • Partnerships
“Our prayer groups and in-country volunteers function as the hands and feet of Jesus to prisoners, orphans, hospital patients and others who are hurting or downcast.”
– Marli Spieker Project Hannah Founder