Project Hannah

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Praising God Through the Storm

Dear Project Hannah,

I am so thankful you send Project Hannah’s prayer calendar to me every month, and that TWR-Myanmar does not forget me. By listening to sermons and teachings every night, I am able to forget all exhaustion of the day.

One night, I heard a HIV patient on one of TWR-Myanmar’s radio programs. Although we did not let anybody know about our family’s sorrows, allow me to open my heart to you. By God’s grace, I was able to give birth to my second child, a daughter. But she lived only four months with us. She was admitted to the hospital due to bad health. The result of my daughter’s blood test was HIV positive. My blood is also HIV antibody positive. Doctors and nurses then had low opinions of us after learning that my family had contracted this terrible disease.

Tears rolled down my cheeks whenever I looked at my little girl. When I heard her laughing, I could not bear the pain in my heart. I became crazy knowing that she would depart from us very soon. When the oxygen was taken away, she rested in peace with Christ. Due to economic hardship, we could not shoulder the expenses of a funeral. We had to leave her body at the mortuary. But we were able to praise God for delivering my little girl who was suffering for a full 11 days.

I have never thought that my family, who loves each other so much, would have to grieve like this. I am so afraid. I do not dare open my heart to anyone about this. If my neighbors knew that we have contracted this disease, we will be mocked and become untouchables.

We are seriously in need of your prayers. There are many sleepless nights. But I trust with all my heart that God is able to heal this disease which humans cannot. There will be a day when God’s glory will manifest in our house. Pray that my son will be HIV-negative and that we will be able to buy medicines for treatment. Pray for our family to be filled with spiritual strength, to be revived, to have a life which can praise God in any circumstances, to submit to His will.

My heart felt much lighter for unburdening my feelings through this letter. I pray daily for the points in the prayer calendar. I am also praying for your mission, that many will listen to TWR-Myanmar broadcasts, and for the believers to have revival.

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