Project Hannah

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Connected to God, Isolated No More

Last October, a listener in Albania wrote: "Every day I listen to the prayer calendar program of Project Hannah. I live in a far remote village and… read more


A Constant Companion

Article originally written for TWR’s Web site. Sara Hildebrand was two years old when her parents moved from Canada to Paraguay in 1948. She had… read more


The Heart and Power of the Woman Who Prays

During Project Hannah’s Annual 40-Day Season of Prayer and Fasting in 2009, the Project Hannah Angola team held conferences from October 1st… read more


The Care of God and His Perfect Plan (Nepal)

I want to begin by thanking God, who cares about me and shows his concern for me. I am 27 years old and I have been married for nine years. Although I… read more


Set Free by Truth

Somwang’s story is an excerpt from founder Marli Spieker's book, "When Hope Wins." Today Women of Hope programs are broadcast from dozens of… read more

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