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Behind the Wall (China)

Xingjuan* didn’t know what was wrong. She was dizzy and couldn’t get out of bed. It had been nearly a week since her son came home from school and saw her lying there, unable to move her head, and he’d started crying.

     With her husband out of town, her mother brought meals to the family. “Grandmother is praying for your recovery,” her son told her one day. The words were a small measure of comfort to Xingjuan, but she did not want to accept the Jesus in whom her mother-in-law believed. None of her side of the family believed in Him, and she did not want them to talk about her behind her back. A few months went by, but a visit to the doctor did not reveal a cause of her illness. Yet, when her husband invited her to accept Jesus, she chose not to do so. Then, with nowhere else to turn, Xingjuan reconsidered. “If the doctors cannot cure me, who can?” she wondered. She committed her life to Christ, and began to recover from her illness.

     “From then on, I knew that my Lord is the true God, and He saved me from death,” she wrote to Project Hannah. “He cured me.” She began to regularly attend church meetings, and her attitude toward her husband and son improved. “I know how to love others,” she added. She listens to Project Hannah’s Women of Hope program in Mandarin and told PH: “I feel a sense of closeness whenever I hear your voice.” But as a new believer, Xingjuan is struggling with her new faith. “I don’t understand the Bible; please help me,” she pleaded. “In the past, when I prayed, I was filled by the Holy Spirit and had many things to say to my Lord. But lately, I feel that there is a wall in between us. How can I take this wall away?”

     Like Xingjuan, many women in China—and across the globe—are trapped behind walls that prevent them from knowing Christ. For some, it’s a lack of opportunity and materials to help them grow in their faith. Others are steeped in cultural traditions or religious beliefs that oppose Christianity. And for women in certain countries of the world, living in locations where traditional missionaries and Christianity are intensely unwelcome, it’s nearly impossible for them to break down barriers of unbelief or persecution.

     That’s why Project Hannah’s radio programming plays such an important role. For women in these so-called “closed” countries, Women of Hope may be the only way they hear of Jesus—the only One who can truly break down walls and bring others to Himself.

TWR's Guam transmitters are critical to reaching the people of China by radio with the gospel of Christ. Learn more about how you can be part of our "Love Asia By Radio" outreach.

*name changed for security reasons

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