Project Hannah

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A Constant Companion

Article originally written for TWR’s Web site.

Sara Hildebrand was two years old when her parents moved from Canada to Paraguay in 1948. She had nine children, but one passed away as a small child and another in an accident as a teenager.

     Several years ago, Sara began listening to Radio Mensajaro’s (a local Christian radio station) Low German programs. It was then that she discovered TWR’s Project Hannah’s Women of Hope (Frues met Hopning) program.

     She started listening daily. “I find the programs very edifying. They are a reminder to keep at it and they are so encouraging,” she said. Because her husband goes to bed very early each night due to health problems, Sara is often alone at night but her radio is a constant companion.

     Sara loves all the topics addressed on Women of Hope, and she especially enjoys hearing the family ones on child-rearing. “Our children are all grown, and they also listen to the programs on child-rearing. I realize the mistakes I’ve made with my own children, but I still like to hear about it. I always think that if I had the chance to listen to these programs when I was young, I would have learned a lot. But even now I still learn a lot.”

     Sara learns how to relate differently to her husband and children, and she is thankful for God’s grace when she makes mistakes.

     Pray for Sara to have patience and to accept situations in life how they come, according to God’s will.

Learn more about Project Hannah's Low German ministry in South America here.

Read a Q&A with the Executive Producer of Women of Hope Low German here.

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