Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

  • August 13, 2012

    Praise the Lord for the encouraging Project Hannah meetings in France. Constantine and François Munoz were our hostess and host for our lunches and dinners for the meetings in France. Excellent… read more

  • August 09, 2012

    PRAISE the Lord for what He is doing through the Project Hannah women in the Democratic Republic of Congo as they reach out to widows, orphans and those who have been raped, abused or mistreated.… read more

  • August 03, 2012

    Praise the Lord that "Women of Hope" programs in Farsi and Turkish will begin airing in September. Pray that nothing would hinder these plans and that God would protect those working on script… read more

  • July 09, 2012

    Praise the Lord for answering our June prayers for Victims of Slavery: The police have arrested 802 people on suspicion of child trafficking and have rescued 181 children in a major operation… read more

  • June 04, 2012

    Praise the Lord for the wonderful Project Hannah Working Forum held in Cary, NC May 29-June1. It was a great time to hear from Project Hannah staff from Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada,… read more

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