Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

  • November 04, 2011

    Angola: Julia was released after spending eleven years in prison for a crime committed by her older brother. As we continued to intercede and fast for God’s justice, God heard our prayers and… read more

  • November 03, 2011

    Project Hannah Finland: Since Marli´s visit to Finland in May, we have increased the subscribers of the Prayer Calendar from 612 to 644. The pace of the increase amazes and humbles us. … read more

  • October 20, 2011

    Praise the Lord! A woman has decided to follow Jesus after living as a {follower of another major religion} all of her life. She was baptized last week. Please pray for protection over her, and for… read more

  • Praise the Lord for the women who participate in the Liberian Project Hannah prison ministry at the Monrovia Central Prison for female inmates and juveniles at least twice a month. Pray for the 23… read more

  • Praise the Lord for what He has done to open the way for the PANI transmitter to go on the air on March 24. … read more

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