Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

August 09, 2012

PRAISE the Lord for what He is doing through the Project Hannah women in the Democratic Republic of Congo as they reach out to widows, orphans and those who have been raped, abused or mistreated. Praise the Lord that they are willing to go to their neighbors across the river in the Republic of Congo and show them God's love also.

Pray for their trip to the Equator from July 2 to September 2.
They have been invited to go up there and will go by plane. Pray that God will open the doors of heaven and that He will protect thier families and accompany them on this missionary voyage. Pray that He will be present during the time away from their families.

Pray for the new team of Project Hannah/Brazzaville; that God will equip them and support them in the ministry.

Project Hannah team, Democratic Republic of Congo

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