Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

  • February 21, 2013

    Praise the Lord for the 500 "Women of Hope" programs that have been aired in Brasil. Pray for the special event that will be held on March 2nd, 2013 at Igreja Batista Alemã em São Paulo in order… read more

  • February 18, 2013

    “We Malians thank the Lord for his intervention in the war of in Mali by the intervention of the French and other foreign armies. It's not finished but we (have) had great relief; continue to… read more

  • February 07, 2013

    The Twi "Women of Hope" program began airing on Tuesday at 19:30 GMT(7:30 PM local time in Ghana). Praise the Lord! … read more

  • January 30, 2013

    We thank God for all He has done since 2009, when we started translating and distributing the Project Hannah monthly prayer calendars. … read more

  • January 11, 2013

    Praise the Lord for the new Chichewa translation of the Project Hannah monthly prayer calendar! Pray for the Chichewa speakers of Malawi. As they pray in their heart language they are joining… read more

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