Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

January 30, 2013

We thank God for all He has done since 2009, when we started translating and distributing the Project Hannah monthly prayer calendars.
Give thanks with us for the means necessary for the distribution of the calendars; for the translator; for people who were willing to pray with us and who offered to help with proofreading or recording.
Praise the Lord for the financial support from other TWR partners that came at the right time.
Praise the Lord for the beginning of broadcasting "Women of Hope" on Radio Okučani on May 1st 2012.
Give thanks for the CD's with "Women of Hope" broadcasts which we were able to distribute among potential listeners, or even regular listeners of other TWR programs, who were unable to listen to the broadcasts from this small radio station. We received the positive feedback from the radio station about the ratings and positive feedback from some listeners, as well as the first steps in follow-up ministry through prayer and distributing more CD's.
Praise the Lord for two new helpers, Nela and Astrid, who started helping us in hosting the "Women of Hope".

Lidija, Croatia

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