Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

  • June 20, 2013

    Praise the Lord! Project Hannah's Kurdish Sorani "Women of Hope" program went on the air on June 3! Please pray for our producer and that other women will join her in producing this program. Pray… read more

  • May 30, 2013

    Praise the Lord with Project Hannah’s team for faithful and generous donors who make it possible for Project Hannah’s ministry to continue. Praise the Lord also for 64 new U.S. Spanish… read more

  • May 30, 2013

    Praise the Lord for the great report from Elizabeth Larrosa's recent visit with the surgeon who repaired her brain aneurism. The doctor has declared that she is very well and can have a normal life… read more

  • April 26, 2013

    Praise the Lord! Elizabeth was discharged from the hospital. She will continue with home care until the end of this month. A doctor and a nurse will visit her every day at home. She is gradually… read more

  • April 17, 2013

    Praise the Lord for the opportunity for Project Hannah to have a prison ministry at the Monrovia Central Prison twice each month. There we ministered to several inmates; about 25 gave their lives to… read more

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