Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

  • May 19, 2014

    When I was 8 years old, I began begging in the streets. My family was very poor. My father was alcoholic. My mother was sick and she had to take care of me and of my two little brothers. At that time,… read more

  • April 04, 2014

    Praise the Lord for Project Hannah’s new Nepal coordinator Rameshori. Please pray for her as she seeks to reach the women of Nepal with God’s love, joy, and hope. read more

  • April 03, 2014

    Praise the Lord that the monthly prayer calendar is now being translated by Chanta into Kinyarwanda for the women of Rwanda. read more

  • March 25, 2014

    Praise the Lord for what He has done to open the way for the PANI transmitter to go on the air on March 24 at full power with a regular broadcast schedule. Reaching a potential audience of 230 million… read more

  • March 10, 2014

    “Waiting and trusting on God is a character we can learn only when subjected to some situations for us to truly exercise out faith trust and patience. Thank you Project Hannah women all over Africa… read more

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