Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

  • January 09, 2013

    Praise the Lord that we have received e-mails from some listeners in Iran and Turkey. They expressed that this is a good opportunity for Iranian women especially those who cannot read. We have many… read more

  • January 09, 2013

    We thank God for the provision of five sewing machines which are now being used by women of Zoissa to learn how to make clothes and repair clothes as well. Currently women from five villages in the… read more

  • December 31, 2012

    I was moved to tears when I read the request for December 30th! When I met three of our team at church this morning we discussed the significance of that. To say the least, it is appreciated and to… read more

  • December 20, 2012

    Praise God for opening a way into the Monrovia Central prison for Project Hannah teams in Liberia to visit twice a month. We are seeing lives changing especially among the juveniles. Praise God for… read more

  • December 10, 2012

    Praise the Lord for Project Hannah's 900 registered intercessors and 60 prayer groups in Finland! … read more

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