Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

  • December 04, 2012

    We praise God for overcoming hindrances to the African French "Women of Hope" production; for the listeners’ reactions to the programs; for the groups and individuals praying with us. … read more

  • December 03, 2012

    Praise the Lord for the progress being made in the production of the new Somali "Women of Hope" programs. Please continue to pray for these women. Praise the Lord for those who are encouraging them… read more

  • November 20, 2012

    Praise God for the funding received for the Project Hannah – "Women of Hope" programs in Somali. Pray for wisdom for the producers of these programs. Pray that they would be diligent as they… read more

  • November 06, 2012

    SOUTH AFRICA … read more

  • October 24, 2012

    Praise God that $20,000 has been received toward the match offered by Gracia Burnham’s foundation. The resulting $40,000 will cover expenses related to Women of Hope Tagalog and Turkish over a… read more

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