Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

January 09, 2013

We thank God for the provision of five sewing machines which are now being used by women of Zoissa to learn how to make clothes and repair clothes as well. Currently women from five villages in the area are attending classes for tailoring. They have been sub-divided into groups in order to aid the instructor to have a manageable class size, but also according to sewing machines available. The villages where women are currently attending Hannah House Zoissa for learning tailoring are: Matongolo, Nolini, Songambele, Mkoka and Mlanje. All are from villages around Hannah House Zoissa.
They travel about 5 - 8 kilometers to the center. They are happy and enjoying the activity because they say they did not have such a facility before. Now that they have this facility, they don’t even feel the distance of the walk.
They are motivated, very happy and encouraged as they believe that after their training they will be able to use the skills to make their own clothes. Also they will save money that they were using to pay out to other tailors to make or repair their clothes.

Esther, Tanzania

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