Project Hannah

Answered Prayer Archive

  • May 21, 2012

    PRAISE the Lord! As of May 5, 2012, Val Evandjelja, Croatia, started airing Women of Hope programs on an FM station in Okucani. Please pray for Lidija, the Project Hannah coordinator, for more prayer… read more

  • May 07, 2012

    Praise the Lord for the opportunity to introduce Project Hannah's ministry to the Lydia Fellowship in Northern Ireland and to invite these amazing intercessors to join us in praying for women around… read more

  • May 01, 2012

    Praise the Lord for the many opportunities Marli had to meet with partners at the European Annual Partner Conference in Bratislava. God is doing great things around the world with the help of… read more

  • April 26, 2012

    Praise the Lord! Thank you for praying for Marli's brother. I just spoke with Dr Darby's son in Curitiba at the hospital. The procedure was successful and Dr. Darby is still in intensive care. The… read more

  • March 19, 2012

    Praise the Lord! The "Women of Hope" radio broadcasts have been produced in cooperation with TWR Croatia, and they should start airing at the beginning of May. … read more

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