Project Hannah

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Expectations (Intern Insights)

We live a life full of expectations. In our comfy, first world nation, we exist in a constant state of expecting things to happen every day, most… read more


He is Moving (Intern Insights)

This past April, some team members from TWR Canada traveled to West Africa to minister to people in the Ivory Coast. While there, they visited… read more


Taken for Granted (Intern Insights)

It’s another sunrise, another new day as you wake up and prepare to go about that morning’s agenda. But something is wrong. Those birds… read more


I Dare You (Intern Insights)

Growing up I prayed before meals. You know, the same prayer every time, probably not even thinking about the memorized, well-rehearsed words.… read more


Just Come (Intern Insights)

“I read in the prayer calendar that some people are forbidden to pray together. I thank God that I can pray openly and am uplifted in my… read more

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