Project Hannah


Project Hannah in Nepal

Like so many of the world’s women, Nepali women endure crushing poverty, unimaginable geographic and health challenges and a culture which thinks they are worthless. But, just as God is doing globally, since Fall 2008, he has been using Project Hannah to rescue the women of Nepal from darkness and bring them into his kingdom of light.

     Be challenged and encouraged by trip reports from Pam Wise giving firsthand accounts of Project Hannah ministry in Nepal. Pam Wise Nepal Travel Journal: Day 1 (Traveling the Mountain Roads), Day 2 (Evidence of Joy and Peace), Day 3 (Radio: the Perfect Medium for Oral Communicators), Day 4 (The Happiest Mama), Day 5 (For Girls and Mothers: An Education for Life), Day 6 (Attitude of Gratitude), Day 7 (Living Water: Nepali Prison Ministry).

Hannah’s Heartbeat (Vol 14, No 2), page 3:  In God’s Sight. Since all the activities of her church were done by men, Bheria understood there was no place in God’s house for women. But, then a voice on the radio spoke straight to her heart, filling her with a joy she had never even imagined.

Hannah’s Heartbeat (Vol 13, No 3) Cover Article: Consolation Bringing Joy. Since September 2008, suffering and isolated women in Nepal have found comfort through prayer, on-the-ground mercy ministries and radio programs.

Hannah’s Heartbeat (Vol 13, No 3), page 2: Precious in the Eyes of God. Through the Women of Hope radio program, a Nepali woman learns her true value as one beloved by a God who died to redeem her.

Hannah’s Heartbeat (Vol 13, No 3), page 2: Adopted by a Loving Father. Through the Women of Hope radio program, a barren Nepali woman finds eternal life in Jesus Christ and hope for a family.

Founder Marli Spieker’s Hannah’s Heartbeat Column (Vol 13, No 3): Dangerously Noncompliant in a Broken World. Marli introduces Shanti, the young woman leading Project Hannah in Nepal. Undeterred by extreme poverty, geographical challenges and cultural prejudices, Shanti brings hope to women in remote villages, prisons and brothels.

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