Project Hannah

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Adopted by a Loving Father (Nepal) Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter Article

Namaste* is a 32-year-old Nepali woman, born and raised in the Hindu culture. When she was 21, she was given by her parents in an arranged marriage. At first, their marriage was good, but after five years of trying, Namaste was unable to bear a child. According to Hindu culture, children are the door of heaven. Namaste believed this saying, and thought that there was no place for her in heaven. Even her family turned against her.

     Namaste fell into a deep depression. She tried everything she could think of to get pregnant, but nothing worked. She couldn’t concentrate on her housework, and her family grew angrier with her. Though her husband loved her enough to move away from their abusive families, it did not end her pain.

     One day, a Christian lady came and visited Namaste. Namaste poured out her heart and shared her problems. The kind woman then told Namaste a testimony of a lady who had similar fertility problems. When she placed her faith in Jesus Christ, she finally experienced true peace and happiness. Inspired by this testimony, Namaste began attending church.

     Namaste was introduced to the pastor’s wife, who reached out to her. As they talked, Namaste learned that the pastor’s wife was also a new volunteer of TWR’s Project Hannah (PH) ministry. She advised Namaste to listen to PH’s radio program, Nari Asha (Women of Hope in Nepali), and gave her the schedule.

     Namaste soon fell in love with the program, and was greatly touched after hearing the adoption story of Moses. It is also through that program that Namaste learned what it means to be adopted as sons into God’s eternal family. She placed her faith and hope in Jesus Christ, and her life hasn’t been the same since. She and her husband are currently trying to adopt. Please pray that their family will accept this decision.

Funding is needed in order for Nepali women like Namaste to continue coming to faith and hope in Jesus Christ.  Click to give now.

Click to listen to the adoption program which changed Namaste’s life.

*name changed to protect privacy

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