Project Hannah

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Precious in the Eyes of God (Nepal) Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter Article

“My name is *Krina, and I’m 25 years old. I work for an organization in Nepal that helps fight women trafficking and domestic violence. My three sisters and I were raised in the Hindu culture. My parents were very devoted, and completely against Christianity. My mother would fast five days a week, and we all went to the temple daily for peace and joy in our family, but nothing ever changed.

     My father never took care of us, simply because we are girls. He wanted a son, not three daughters. I saw the violence in my own home, so I always wanted to help prevent it in other homes. I thought that I had no value because I was a woman, and became depressed.

     My uncle helped me to attend school, and I later had an opportunity to work for a social organization, fighting against violence. I would encourage victims to rise against it, but I felt guilty as I faced the violence in my personal life. My father treated us horribly, and still my mother supported him. I sometimes thought about leaving home, but I never went through with it.

     One day, I heard a Women of Hope radio program. I had never heard such a program. They talked about the value of women, and I came to know that God's love is amazing. He can look past all the ugliness in our lives and see beauty. We are his valued child, regardless of our past. Though I’ve struggled with many things in my life and have felt unworthy, I know that God loves me and his love endures forever.

     Even though my home situation remains the same, my life has been changed. I am precious in the eyes of God. Thank you, TWR Nepal, for producing a wonderful program and for giving me new life through the Word of God.”

Funding is needed in order for Nepali women like Krina to continue coming to faith and hope in Jesus Christ.  Click to give now.

*name changed to protect privacy

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