Project Hannah

Peggy's Message

October 2016

Dear friends,

It is such an honor to join with you in this global prayer movement. You are an essential part of our Project Hannah global prayer team. Your love and your prayers are so important to us and critical during these times!

As our hearts and minds unite this October, I long for each of us to prayerfully consider what it means to hunger and thirst for God. To know him more, praise him more, and to run to him to find our hope and healing when we are hurting. To have the thing we desire most in life to be our creator, the maker of our soul.

I believe women who hunger for more of God can influence our world for Jesus. However, for us to live that life, we must be determined to take steps toward the things of God that will satisfy our souls. As we develop a deeper hunger for God through prayer, we must make room in our lives for more of God.

Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled,” (Matthew 5:6). So, why don’t we see more of God’s power and presence today? The answer is simple: We are too full of things that are not of God.

I have asked myself, “Are there things in my life that I must give to God to make more room for God’s presence and power? Am I really hungry for more of God?” I once heard a woman ask the question, “How do I become a godly woman?” My only response was that in order to be a godly woman, we need more of God.

We need more of his presence and power in our lives. We are to hunger and thirst for righteousness, a righteousness that comes only from a relationship with Jesus. When we crave a deeper relationship, we are filled and satisfied.  

The question is, “Are you hungry for more of God?” Are you hungry enough to run to God and cry out to him because he is your only solution to spiritual care and healing?

I long to be spiritually hungry and thirsty every day.  I trust you do, too.  Let our prayers this month inspire others to hunger for more of an intimate relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ!

In him our hearts rejoice,     


Peggy Banks
Global Ministry Director
Project Hannah