Project Hannah

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The Same God at Work (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter Article)

It has been a privilege to be carriers of the message of salvation and hope for Quichua-speaking women.  Women of Hope in Quichua (Sumaj Pugyu), is heard across Ecuador on the frequencies of HCJB AM and shortwave. We also have reports of those who listen online in Spain, the USA and England.

I thank God for all the people who form the [global] ministry Project Hannah. Your visit to us was a time full of blessing where our women were uplifted as precious daughters of God. As we see people serving God in different ways, it reminds us of 1 Corinthians 12:6. On a personal level, doing translation work and being the voices that encourage the heart and soul of women through the message of the Lord Jesus challenges us to depend more on God and know that he wastes nothing. He has given us abilities, interests, talents, gifts, personalities and experiences that we can use to make his name great. Through this program we have grown and we learn to serve God more. Serving God means giving up the right to control our schedule and instead to allow him to interrupt us at any time he needs in order to enlarge his kingdom.

Our commitment is to continue working until Jesus comes to take us away, if that is his will. So, until then may his wonderful grace cover you in the love of God.

Yours Faithfully,

Roberta and Susan

There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. there are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 1 Corinthians 12:5-6

Read the entire Hannah's Heartbeat newsletter and download earlier newsletters as well.

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