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A Reason to Live (Hannah's Heartbeat Article)

Doesn’t it seem like newsstands these days are saturated with tales of war, destruction, and the problems of this world? Where are the happy stories? Does hope exist among all the turmoil? In Iran, Farsi Women of Hope® broadcasts help make the answer to that question a resounding “Yes!” A male listener tells a compelling story of how this ministry changed his family’s life.

One summer the man and his wife were going on vacation and got in a serious car accident that damaged her spinal cord. The physical trauma left her partially paralyzed and unable to walk. She was in such a state of despair that she wanted to take her own life. The husband recalls what a terrible time it was and how totally helpless he felt to ease her suicidal thoughts. But praise the Lord, one of their neighbors introduced them to the Women of Hope radio programs. And from that point on, things began to turn around. Because someone cared enough to share with them the love of Christ, this couple became believers, and everything in their lives changed.

“My wife’s sweet smile has returned to her lovely face,” the man writes to Project Hannah®. “I can only tell you thank you! Thank you! Thank you! God bless you.”

This husband got back the woman he married, and they both received the even greater gift of God’s love and eternity in heaven to look forward to. Ultimately, the Lord changed these people’s hearts, but he used Project Hannah as an instrument to do so.

“Praise the Lord for your helpful and encouraging radio programs, and thank you for taking the time to reach out to people without hope” – the words of a grateful husband and now a child of the King.

Written by TWR Intern, Morgan Jackson. Read Morgan's web series, Intern Insights:  A Prayer Journey.

Read the entire Hannah's Heartbeat newsletter and download earlier newsletters as well.

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