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Cluttered Desk (Intern Insights)

Ask anyone who knows me what my defining characteristics are and most would probably include the word “organized.” Those closest to me might even say I’m too organized at times. But ever since I was a kid I’ve been like this. My books were always perfectly placed on my shelves, each baby doll I owned had a very specific home in my room, and my bed was usually made with every last pillow arranged and positioned just right. I don’t know exactly when I developed these orderly tendencies; I have just always seemed to find it incredibly calming to live in a state of tidiness and organization.

This trend continued when school began and I was introduced to the wonderful world of desks and lockers. Even as a child, my inner organizer was thrilled at the prospect of arranging, decorating, and getting everything in the best spot for optimum daily use. Seriously, I should have won an award or something for cleanest locker when I was in junior high and high school. But right now, and people who know me will probably be shocked to hear this, my desk is absolutely… cluttered.

I could hear the gasps. I know, I’ve surprised even myself. But I can say in all honesty that I have never been so happy or so content with being immersed in such a state of disorder. Because it’s not just a mess. If you had the opportunity to read even a few of the many papers I have scattered across my workspace, you would understand that they aren’t just random documents… but stories. They’re tales of transformation. They represent lives all around the world that have been changed for eternity because of the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

One stack says “West Africa,” another “Asia,” “South Africa,” “Tanzania,” “India,” etc. All of them containing beautiful testimonies, incredible prayer stories, and account after account of how people have been influenced by Project Hannah. These papers are a testament to the work God is doing in individual’s hearts through the efforts of this ministry. Sometimes I just sit here and look at all of them. And I thank my Heavenly Father for each and every person they represent that He has touched and revealed Himself to. It’s mind blowing to try and comprehend the far-reaching impact Project Hannah has. But my cluttered desk is the one thing that gives me the slightest glimpse in to the massive influence Christ is having in people’s lives all across the globe. So, I’m okay with the mess. It doesn’t really bother me. Because it’s the most remarkable clutter I have ever laid eyes on.

“Through your programs I have realized that man is a sinner by birth. And Jesus can cleanse our sins if only we trust Him and surrender our life unto His feet. After listening to these programs my life has changed, and I have tasted the sweetness of salvation.”

Be informed and inspired by reading Morgan's full Intern Insights series.


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