Project Hannah

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Women of Hope (Intern Insights)

According to a pastor in Mali, it is estimated that 90% of the women there are unable to read. But the good news is that most of them listen to radio. I praise God for the twenty-two stations in that country airing Women of Hope programs and sharing the Gospel in a way people can understand. My heart overflows with joy and thankfulness for the lives that have been changed in response to these broadcasts. Today I want to pass along some encouragement in relating to you a few of their beautiful testimonies that display just how awesome and wonderful our Lord is.

“Thank you to all the Women of Hope team. Thank you for all your prayers and advice. I saw the work of the Lord in my life and in my family. The father of my children who was Muslim has accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. I bless the name of the Lord, and God bless you abundantly.”

“The enemy tried to destroy my home, but through the teaching and encouragement from the Women of Hope programs, I assumed my responsibilities as a wife and mother and things changed. Thank God, the Lord is working in my home.”

There aren’t adequate words to describe the peace, comfort, and pure joy one experiences when they have that moment; that moment when everything clicks. That second when the missing puzzle piece in their lives is found. That glorious instant when lies are revealed and every meaningless pleasure previously sought after becomes vastly unimportant in the presence of God’s love. No human happiness could ever come close to comparing with the joy found in the everlasting inheritance we have in Christ Jesus. And when a man, woman, or child comes to know their Savior, words simply don't suffice. Sometimes, all one can manage to mutter is a humble thank you…

“There are perceptions in our culture that a woman is underrated and somebody with no value in regards to all aspects of life. This is different from the teachings we are receiving from Women of Hope programs. These teachings rank a woman highly and give her value. They are very powerful and give us hope in difficult situations. God bless you all. I want to thank you dear ones for the programs you are airing.”

As the inhabitants of Mali deal with widespread cultural problems such as poverty and illiteracy, pray that Women of Hope would continue to be a beacon. Pray that the programs would speak truth in to open and ready hearts. And pray that more and more testimonies like the ones above would be heard because women can’t help but proclaim the name of the Lord and tell of what He is doing in their lives.


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