Project Hannah

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Call on Him (Intern Insights)

Women in the West African country of Burkina Faso give birth to an average of six children during their childbearing years. Yet they go through this time in their lives with extremely limited access to proper health services, making deliveries unsafe for them and for their babies. This nation has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in all of Africa, and if you’ve been reading along with my posts each day, chances are you already know some of the facts concerning these issues. If not, check out Day 6, Day 7, or Day 15 to learn a little more about the health care situation in West Africa and how desperately in need they are of our prayers and the Lord’s power. Today, let’s join as brothers and sisters in Christ, lift up our voices, and create a wave of earnest petitions to our Heavenly Father.

                The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Psalm 145:18 (ESV)

God, the author and perfecter of my faith, I thank you for another day of life and another chance to glorify your name. I praise you for who You are. I praise you for your mercy and grace and for what You have already done in West Africa this month in response to our prayers. My gratitude cannot be fully expressed for the hearts and lives which You have changed and for the renewed relationships and transformed situations which You have brought about.

We come to You today, asking that you would reveal your power once more. Lord, bring relief to the dire health care situation in Burkina Faso and in other West African countries. Call doctors and nurses to take their knowledge there so that they can aid people in living long, healthy, and happy lives. Protect mothers as they give birth. Keep them and their babies safe as they bring those precious lives in to this world. Father, we entrust the people of West Africa to You. We lay their various struggles at your feet, give You total control, and know they are in loving, capable hands. Lord, thank you for hearing our prayers. We love you and ask all this in Jesus precious and holy name, Amen.


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