Project Hannah

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Unexplainable Hope (Intern Insights)

Have you ever heard someone’s life story that just shook you to the core? Have you ever had the opportunity to talk to a person who’s overcome such massive hurdles you wonder how it is they’re still standing? Have you ever come across somebody who has faced the worst this world has to offer, yet still has a smile on their face? If you have, chances are you’ve encountered an individual who has in their heart the only source of truth that could ever allow such unexplainable hope…Christ.

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7 (ESV)

For example, a Women of Hope listener in Côte d’Ivoire called her local radio station one day after hearing a deeply touching broadcast that brought her to tears. She wanted to tell someone her story, one which began with a painful tale of abandonment. The father of her children had recently left her and took their kids with him. She was distraught as he would not permit her to see or even talk to their children. She was in indescribable agony over the separation from her babies. But the person at the radio station told this woman to pray for him, no matter how great her pain and bitterness was.

What a seemingly impossible task to ask of someone whose emotional wounds were still so fresh and deep. But the woman prayed. She asked God to change this man’s attitude towards her and her children. And sure enough, little by little, the situation began to shift. He started allowing her to see them more and more, and slowly other areas of their relationship began to mend as well in ways she never would have thought possible.

“I want to bless you for your advice. Thank you,” she wrote Project Hannah.

It’s so encouraging to have assurance from the Bible’s truths and stories like this that God can change even the hardest of hearts. I’ve said it before and I will keep proclaiming this statement for as long as I live: Prayer is powerful! Because of our prayers, God steps in to what outwardly seems like hopeless situations, and He brings people out of darkness and in to His marvelous light. So as we look at the prayer calendar today and pray for the safety of those traveling in Ghana amidst the many murders, thefts, and turmoil on the roads, let’s remember that we serve a mighty God. We worship a Lord who answers prayer and who offers unexplainable joy and hope to all those who call on His name.


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