Project Hannah

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Answer to Prayer (Intern Insights)

As you’re probably aware of by now, July’s prayer calendar focus is West Africa. But I want to take some time this morning to remind you of how God is working not just in this specific region, but in other areas of the continent as well. The Lord is moving people’s hearts in that part of the world, changing lives, and reconciling hopeless situations through the power of prayer.

A woman from Mozambique in Southern Africa wrote Project Hannah, divulging her fears over being completely abandoned by her husband. She tells of how she became discouraged because of her circumstance and allowed worries to isolate her from the body of Christ. She departed from the support of her prayer group under the assumption that none of them would understand her situation or be capable of extending any help. Do you think that stopped them from praying, though? Not a chance. They refused to let their friend fall away that easy. So they persisted, and because of their perseverance lives were transformed. The distraught woman who had fully consigned to her new identity as the “abandoned wife” began listening to Women of Hope programs. Through them she started to realize that the church was not just a building that believers gathered in once a week. No, it was much more than that. The church was the Christ-centered community that she left when she needed it most.

Thankfully this woman had prayer warriors that stood behind her no matter what, and low and behold, a miracle happened. Her husband returned home! He was overcome with remorse and sincerely apologized, restoring their household to a state of unity once again. The biggest life change, though, was the wife’s realization that this renewed relationship was 100% God’s doing. He mended the situation and allowed strife to be exchanged for peace in their household. She now feels so incredibly blessed and thanks the prayer group for delivering her burden to the Lord even in her darkest moments.

Our Heavenly Father answers prayer. He is powerful enough to step in and change any situation, no matter how impossible it may seem. Join me this morning praying for today’s request that Christian groups would continue providing income-generating activities in Africa, resulting in better education for their children. Trust God that He can and will answer this request when we earnestly bring it before Him. That prayer group in Mozambique didn’t give up praying for their sister, and her life was changed because of it. Whose life can you change today?

Be informed and inspired by reading Morgan's full Intern Insights series.


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