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FGM (Intern Insights)

There is no denying that many dangerous side effects occur as a result of harmful religious practices around the world. In several cultures, communities, and families, people heap mental and physical abuse upon females in the name of misguided spiritual beliefs. There is one practice, though, that has merited an especially large amount of attention and has become widely recognized as a serious problem today: Female genital mutilation (FGM).

The World Health Organization defines FGM as “all procedures undertaken that involve the partial or full removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.” It’s estimated that globally 140 million women and girls have faced some type of FGM procedure, many during their adolescent years. These horrifying practices generally occur amongst ethnic groups in places like Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia and in some communities are forced upon the entire female population. In at least twenty African countries more than half of their women have endured some sort of FGM, and millions of young girls are still at risk every day.

Although practiced in most places under the veil of religion, this type of abuse is not biblical. None of the holy texts from any of the major faiths necessitates this inhumane treatment. Many religious scholars have even taken a public stand against FGM procedures. Please, join me in praying for there to be an end to these terrible cruelties that millions face every day.

Lord God, You love your daughters. You cherish each and every one of them, and You do not desire that they face this unnecessary violence. I lift those up today who have lived through FGM as well as those dwelling in fear that it may happen to them. Heavenly Father, protect them. Thwart the plans of those who seek to harm your precious children. Envelop them in your love, and help your daughters to look to You despite their circumstances. Draw them close in your everlasting comfort. Amen.

Continue praying with us for victims of FGM and fistula (the August prayer calendar is dated, the requests and need for prayer are timeless).

Read the full Intern Insights web series by Morgan Jackson (for insights into Project Hannah's ministry globally, with a special emphasis on Africa, and lots of challenges and encouragement: how our prayer lives intersect with all God is doing for suffering women around the world).


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