Project Hannah

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Beautiful Programs for Spanish Listeners (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter)

My desire is that the richest blessings be upon your lives and your families. Thank you for yesterday’s message [in Women of Hope Spanish, aired from Bonaire]. Do you know you made me cry because the program was just for me?

I had a very difficult week in my home because of miscommunications, but thank you for letting me know how the Lord is always with me. I feel that the Lord is working in my life in spite of all these difficulties. You have no idea how important your words are for me. I know that you are God’s instrument in my life. Yesterday I was thinking how alone I felt, but listening to your program changed my outlook, and today, Monday, I have a different attitude toward life and my circumstances.

Keep going with your beautiful programs, which are surely guided by the Heavenly Father. A thousand thanks for your valuable ministry. It’s a shame one can listen to you only one day a week on the radio. Since I started listening to your program, my life has taken a new turn, and I realize that it’s not you but it is because of the Holy Spirit who lives in you.

Thank you so much,
A (in Cuba)

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