Project Hannah

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Full of Peace (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter)

“I am a single mother. I learned about Project Hannah from my son’s godfather; when he was sick, the Project Hannah prayer group went to visit him.

     When I went to visit my son’s godfather, I saw a group of women with Bibles and songbooks. They were different from people at church. What I was seeing was new to me, because I only knew that some women would meet in the Christian Council of Mozambique, not in someone’s house.

     My son’s godfather asked me to stay for the prayer time; I did, because it was important to him and he had been a widower for three months (his wife used to belong to the Project Hannah prayer group). The women did not talk about his disease specifically; they just prayed and told him to be strong, pray and keep believing in God. I think they only stayed for 20 minutes, but to me it felt like the place was no longer the same. It was full of peace.

     I was impressed by the joy they brought to him and the way they prayed. I felt their prayers came from deep in their hearts. I had always only prayed that God would help me be good. I asked him how I could join, and I was so excited to learn there was a Project Hannah prayer group where I lived. I joined the group.

     But, the testimony I share with you is not to say that I got this or that from the group, but to say that now I have a different relationship with my Lord and it is changing me.”

Read the full Hannah’s Heartbeat newsletter and email the PDF to friends so they too can join Project Hannah in sharing God’s life-changing love with suffering women around the world (select "Download the PDF" for the current issue; archives of past issues are also available).

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