Project Hannah

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Joy and Strength (Hannah's Heartbeat Newsletter)

Svray, a married mother of five in her early forties, loves to listen to the radio. One day, she found the Khmer Women of Hope program and began listening to it every week. Her family listened with her, and soon her husband and three of the children also put their faith in Jesus because of listening to Women of Hope. Though their hut is small, Svray opens it every week for a time of worship. She tells people about Jesus and invites them to her home. They listen to Women of Hope and then discuss what they learned on the program that day.

     Earlier this year, Svray wrote, “It is a joy for me to listen to the Women of Hope program because it teaches us as women how to take care of ourselves and develop good habits. This program will help the next generation to learn to do these good things as well. Before I believed in the Lord, my life was so lonely and I was so depressed. Now that I am a Christian, the Lord has given me a lot of strength and I am very happy. I have complete trust in the Lord. Sometimes people criticize me because of my faith, but I do not get upset with them. I want them to come to know the Lord too.”


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