Project Hannah

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Beautiful Words

Since receiving my solar powered radio, I have always listened to the Women of Hope radio program. The words are beautiful and well-chosen. I remember when the hosts were speaking about our value as women during the broadcast. It was the first time I heard something like that, and it really made me think. When I was little, my mother told me that it is as if women do not exist; they are doomed by God. They should say nothing, even when they are beaten by their husbands or fathers or brothers to the point of passing out. When I got married, I prayed, ‘O, Lord don’t give me a girl, because she will be doomed as well.’ To think that the Son of God has given his life for us [women] who are abandoned by everyone is incredible. And because of his death, we have value! I never heard somebody talking like this about the Lord. I knew he was in heaven, but I thought he is not interested in what happens to people like us on earth. We need to learn more about this Lord. Thank you for thinking about us [Albanian women] and for preparing this program, which is teaching me to look at myself and my life differently.

Read more about how God is working through Project Hannah in Albania.

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