Project Hannah

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Eternally Changed (Hannah's Hearbeat Newsletter)

“It’s hard to describe the feelings I had when I heard Women of Hope on Christian radio speaking my language (Roma in Albania). I started crying. Since that day I have listened every week. I can say with all of my heart that this program has changed my life and made me a totally different person:  a better wife, mother and friend.

     For seven years my son and his wife were unable to have children. This is considered a great shame in our community. They went many times to the hospital and took many medicines, but nothing happened. Our family was under constant stress and both my son and daughter-in-law were completely desperate.

     One day, the Women of Hope program shared the story of the woman with blood flow issues. She just touched the robe of the Lord Jesus and was healed. Inspired by this story, my son, his wife and I started to pray to the Lord to be blessed with a child. They stopped taking the medicines and simply trusted in God for a miracle to happen. After three months of praying every day, we discovered that my daughter-in-law was pregnant. God blessed them with a beautiful daughter, Samuela, the answer to our prayers. And, because this occurred, my husband also came to know Jesus Christ.

     We are so thankful to God for these blessings. I am so happy to have found Women of Hope, which has been such a great encouragement for me and my entire family. I am especially happy that it is in our own language so that it is easy for us to understand.”

While the details of the stories may differ, the underlying truth remains: in Christ, lives are eternally changed. God is using Project Hannah to speak this hope to hurting women worldwide. The lost are found, the blind see, the lame walk and the dead are raised to life. Christ conquers all circumstances with his hope, an anchor for every soul, firm and secure.

Read the full Hannah’s Heartbeat newsletter and email the PDF to a friend so they too can join Project Hannah in sharing God’s life-changing love with suffering women around the world (select "Download the PDF" for the current February 2011 issue; archives of past issues are also available).


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