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Radio: the Perfect Medium for Reaching Oral Communicators (Nepal, Pam Wise Travel Journal 3)

As we drove through the countryside we would often see very small buildings, identified as churches by a cross on the front. We were able to visit a number of these churches to see their work and to give a radio to some members of the congregation who had already established an outreach.

     We met a lovely group of young people, some who had come as far as 45 kilometers by bike. They were anxious to show us their work through a drama presentation in which they distributed, not tracts, but radio program guides, giving us some insights into the strategies for reaching an oral society.

     One young lady took us out to visit some “club houses” which are new, small groups of people who gather together around a single radio and form the beginnings of a learning community and a new church. It was exciting but humbling to see these seeds planted, marked by a sign in a tree, identifying TWR and radio broadcasting as the avenue.

     Radios are such a valuable commodity that no one received one [from TWR Nepal] unless they had already proven that they had a goal for its use, listened to a presentation on the mission and values of TWR and signed a statement saying that it would be used only for the work.

Read the previous entry in Pam’s Nepal travel journal.

Funding is needed in order for the fruitful Project Hannah Nepal ministry to continue. Click to give now.

Having “retired” to Asia with her husband to serve the Lord, Pam Wise blesses TWR by volunteering with Project Hannah. Pam traveled with other TWR Asia members to visit the TWR Nepal team and see the work there. This is one of several journal entries from Pam’s Nepal trip which will be shared to provide further insight into reaching women in Nepal via TWR’s Project Hannah.

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