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Women of Hope Hindi: listeners share how God changed their lives through radio

Since it went on the air in 2005, Women of Hope in Hindi, Asha Bhari Nariya, and its life-changing ministry to Indian women has been one of 10 key languages funded by US giving to Project Hannah's Global Ministry. For over seven years, Hindi speaking women have been listening and being rescued from the kingdom of darkness and brought into God’s kingdom of light. Below are just a few of the letters received from women saved through the Hindi Women of Hope program.

     “I praise God for taking all my burdens and granting me salvation and a new life. I was a very sad person without Jesus Christ. Now I am very happy in Him. I was wandering here and there for peace. But I did not get peace any where. I came to know about the Asha Bhari Nariya (Hindi Women of Hope) program through someone. When I started listening to it, I received great peace which nothing else could give me. As I continued to listen to the word of God, He convicted me of my sinful nature and I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior, just as I heard about on the radio, ‘Cast all your burden on Jesus.' I have given all my burdens to Jesus. Now I am free from all my sadness and worries.”

     “I am from a non-Christian family. I used to worship idols and trust in witchcraft. I was living a sinful life and did not know the living God. I tried to use magical powers to get rid of my sins but it did not work. I was discouraged and depressed. In such a situation, I used to sit with my radio and listen to songs. One day, I happened to listen to your radio program Asha Bhari Nariya (Hindi Women of Hope) and the teaching was on the Samaritan woman whose life was transformed. The very same day I experienced a change in my life. I felt like the heaviness in my heart disappeared and was replaced with a sense of freedom. As I continued to listen to the program, I accepted Jesus as my personal savior. Now I am totally a different person.”

     “I am regularly listening to Asha Bhari Nariya (Hindi Women of Hope) program. It is only through this program that I came to know the Lord. The knowledge I gain from every episode helps me live a fruitful life. I am thankful for the efforts you take to produce these programs.”

And, the letter below represents many Hindi-speaking women in India who are still seeking a relationship with Jesus and are listening to the program. Please join us in praying that they too will find salvation in Jesus.

     “I regularly listen to your program Asha Bhari Nariya(Hindi Women of Hope), but this is my first letter to you. I get peace and joy in my life through this program and am immensely blessed. Although I am from another religious background, I want to know more about Jesus. Please help me fulfill that desire.

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