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Sister, Please Give Me Help (Project Hannah Spanish)

In Venezuela, a Christian woman visited our Spanish Project Hannah Web site. She wrote to our Spanish program producer saying, “Sister, please give me help.” She had always struggled with fear, and five years earlier she had experienced a panic attack. On our Web site, she not only found a way to contact our Spanish program producer, but she also found articles discussing fear and how to combat it. The articles encouraged her, and she printed them out so that she could read them again and again in her continual spiritual fight.

     Increasingly, Spanish-speaking women in the Americas region are taking to the Internet to find answers to life’s difficulties. These women can now find hope and help through our proyectoana site, where audio of the episodes themselves is provided, along with articles created from program material and the latest prayer calendars.

     When Sonia Larossa, executive producer of Women of Hope in Spanish, is preparing to write scripts for the program, she thinks about e-mails like this one. Though their messages are sometimes short and simple, their needs are great and they are relying on Project Hannah for friendship and guidance. Sonia says that e-mails now surpass regular mail in listener responses.

     The Spanish Women of Hope (Mujeres de Esperanza) is not only blessing Spanish-speaking women, but women from other languages as well. The Spanish scripts provide the foundation for translation into Quichua, Guarani, Nivacle and Lengua. Though these producers in Ecuador and Paraguay cannot read English, they know Spanish and the scripts give them the content they need to reach women in their own languages who are pleading for help.

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And, read more about how God has healed wounded women through Project Hannah's Spanish ministry here.

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