Project Hannah

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God's Touch through Human Hands

Project Hannah’s on-the-ground ministry initiatives into the spiritually needy African countries of Angola and Mozambique continue to flourish. “We consider these vital efforts as ‘ministries of mercy,’” explains Project Hannah founder Marli Spieker. “Our prayer groups and in-country volunteers function as the hands and feet of Jesus to prisoners, orphans, hospital patients and others who are hurting or downcast.”

     Here are some real examples of how God is using Project Hannah to touch lives for Christ and make a lasting difference:

  • In Angola, Project Hannah volunteers provided training in cooking and decorating so that the ladies can earn income for their families.
  • Members of prayer groups in Maputo, Mozambique offered prayers and encouragement from the Word with ladies who were hospitalized.        
  • Angola’s largest hospital recognized the spiritual value PH volunteers provided to patients and asked six of the volunteers to serve as advisors to the infirmed and their families.
  • A Portuguese-speaking prayer group near Maputo started a micro finance program to help women in the group open their own businesses and provide for needs within the group.
  • The director of a radio station of Lubango, Angola shared with us, “I was sentenced to 10 years of prison. I was weak and desperate, but the Project Hannah women ministered the Word of God to me and prayed for me. After only 10 months, I was out of prison. Today my family and I are Christians, and we do cell group prayer in our house.”

Praise God for how He is using Project Hannah volunteers and prayer groups to share His love in Africa!

Watch the DESTINATION:  HOPE video to hear founder Marli Spieker talk about Project Hannah's vibrant ministry in Africa and to see and hear from some involved from across the continent.

Read more about Project Hannah's prayer movement in Angola and Mozambique here.

Read about on-the-ground health seminars in Indonesia which help prevent abortion here.

Learn more about joining Project Hannah's global prayer movement here.

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