Project Hannah

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Worshiping the One True God (India)

Alpana's story is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of When Hope Wins. Written by Founder Marli Spieker, When Hope Wins is a book of 10 real life stories proclaiming the Lord’s transforming work through Project Hannah and TWR.

"As a little girl (in India), I heard people in our village talk about the ‘one true God.’ I was intrigued . . . why was my family worshiping so many gods and goddesses, if there is only one true God?

     When I was 16, my father purchased a radio. One day I found a Christian program in Hindi. It was talking about that one true God—at last I was getting answers about Him! I could not get enough of that program and listened everyday. The teachings from the Bible were so clear to me. My salvation did not depend on my efforts, but on God’s power to forgive me, an idol worshiper and a sinner. I wanted to worship this God, so when the pastor prayed, I did too.

     This true God gave me something I had never received from any of the multitude of gods I had worshipped for years—peace and joy. I gave myself totally to Jesus. I learned to pray for my family that they too would find this one true God. I desperately wanted a Bible so I could read about God for myself. I prayed for a miracle and gladly accepted a Bible when the radio station offered one. I studied it in secret. I learned that eating food my family offered to idols was wrong, so I did not eat it anymore.

     After five months, I mustered the courage to tell my family all about my newfound faith. They did not like it at all. One by one they turned against me. My father was furious! He locked the radio away in a box. I was not allowed to touch it or speak about this new religion. My parents took me out of school and tried to isolate me from everyone and everything important to me. They threatened to marry me off to an older Hindu man. I was determined I would never stop worshipping the one true God. But, the persecution within my own family intensified and life became a nightmare! My only solace and comfort was in praying to God. He never left me, even for a moment."

Click here to learn more about Project Hannah in India, including testimonies from Hindi-speaking women in India who have come to faith in Christ.

Click here to order a copy of When Hope Wins for you or a friend today! (book sold for delivery in the US only; Canadian Residents: Please contact the TWR Canada office for book availability by calling 1-888-672-6510).


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