Project Hannah

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For the Life of a Child

“I have killed my child because I did not know if a fetus is a human being. Would God forgive my sin?”

     Because of this question, and others like it, Project Hannah’s team in Indonesia considered it crucial to hold health seminars for its listeners. Abortion is a serious problem in the country, and is commonly used as a form of birth control. According to BKKBN, a government institution dealing with family planning, 2 million babies are aborted in Indonesia each year. Often, mothers become infected after the procedure and die; those who survive must live with the physical, psychological and spiritual consequences of their decision.

     Even many Christian women are unaware of the biblical view of abortion. That’s why, starting in the early years of Project Hannah’s ministry in Indonesia, seminars have been hosted, focusing primarily on abortion and women’s reproductive health, in conjunction with local churches. Leaders and women’s groups from some of the churches have attended in addition to listeners. After an area doctor spoke on the health topic, a pastor or church leader would give a brief overview on what the Bible says about it. More than 100 women were present at most of the events, where they learned further insight on health issues discussed in previous Women of Hope programs and had the opportunity to discuss their personal issues with a medical professional. At some of these functions, women also received medical care, enabling their physical needs to be met as well.


Please join Project Hannah by praying for women affected by abortion.  Even if you were not praying with us when that was our monthly prayer focus, it is a timeless need and the monthly prayer requests make an excellent prayer guide for personal or group prayer.

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