Project Hannah

Prayer Calendar Monthly Focus

Praying for Women Living in Isolation and Fear

September 2010

Millions of women are isolated by their culture or religion, and fear controls every aspect of their lives. In many countries, dictators, warring faction or fanatical religious beliefs determine their daily activities and their destiny. Those who have immigrated to other countries many times still live under the control of their families and communities. 

Many isolated women and girls understand only their local language, and their fathers and husbands control who and what they know. For some, even their mothers and mother-in-laws seek to control them with fear. Abuse that is physical (beatings, burning, neglect, lack of food, little medical care), emotional (shame, guilt, loneliness, rumors, slander) and spiritual (occult, charms, bondage, false religious teachings) destroys their dignity and keeps them from knowing God.

Thousands of women living as immigrants far from home are isolated by language barriers and believe they have no one to turn to. One of Project Hannah’s National Coordinators in Europe has seen God bring lost and suffering immigrant women to her church. Opening her home and heart to them, she has watched God work in their lives and bring salvation and joy even in the midst of their struggles.  

Project Hannah’s Women of Hope programs can reach even the most isolated women living in fear. Behind closed doors, in cities and villages around the world, women are listening to God’s Word and receiving hope. Women of Hope is also available so that immigrants in Europe, Canada and the United States can hear about God’s love in their heart languages.

Please pray with us for women in Algeria, Afghanistan, Myanmar, North Korea, Turkey, and many other countries, who are isolated and live in fear, but desire to know more about the one true God. Pray that immigrants will find a friend who will lead them to Jesus.

 *Read Marli's letter

** Read about isolated women in prison finding Hope


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