Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

September 02, 2016

Please pray for Project Hannah/TWR staff and listeners in Ethiopia.

These prayer requests were received from out team there:
"The situation in Ethiopia has become worse and spread to the whole country. Everyday people are killed, torched, missing and put in prison. Even the market prices are going up very high and the majority of people can’t afford everyday life needs. Electricity is on and off, . . . . You can imagine small business like internet café; beauty salon etc can’t manage their work properly. As these problems arise most of the victims are women and children. In my home town, where my mom and my two brothers live, the situation is very hard and they can’t go outside their homes. No shopping, no church or going any place. Even sometimes people enter the houses to pick out youths even if they are not involved in the demonstrations. We are praying, God can change this situation. Please pray for us.”

Ruth , Ethiopia

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