Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

April 03, 2016

My sis (Lou) she will be in her first new apartment on May 1st she is very nervous she has never been on her own before she has been separated since 2010 and she still devastated. Her ex husband has forced her out from her own home her son is against her and her daughter she has a few issues with her but they are in speaking terms my sis was staying with our precious late parents to this day she devastated she is afraid of seeing her ex and son in public her life is a mess she fills like a mess her world is trouble she needs desperately DELIVERANCE HEALING PEACE SALVATION WISDOM PLEASE FILL her up with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT and YOUR PRECIOUS BLOOD LORD PLEASE take her hands in YOURS and never let go of her make her let YOUR BLOOD in her heart have her hungry for the bible help her to trust you I pray for a miracle for my sis for a better life I'm asking JESUS to introduce to her a christian man she no longer want to be alone its so depressing. PLEASE LORD GOD

Thank you

Monique, Canada

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