Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

May 29, 2015

Please pray for Rosa, a fifty-year-old lady, who has come to know the Lord through the programs of TWR in North Africa.

One time her husband beat her up very badly… Completely broken, bruised and sick, she lay on her bed for many days. Then one night, she took a little radio and started scrolling randomly through the channels. She was very sad that night and had no idea what to do with her life anymore, but as she fiddled around with the frequency she came across TWR.

From then onwards she started listening to all the programs, including Project Hannah's "Women of Hope". Through listening to these programs she came to faith in Jesus Christ. She never missed a program as they were like a lifeline to hope.

The Project Hannah team visited Rosa and prayed and cried with her.

Pray for her husband. Rosa still wishes good things for him and hopes he will have a change of heart by divine intervention.

Pray that God would protector and that her two sons (and local authorities) would have courage to defend her.

Tina, North Africa

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