Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

December 16, 2014

Please pray for the two women helping to produce the "Women of Hope" program in the Kurdish Sorani language. One has problems with her eyes and has already had to undergo several surgeries. She moved to Europe as a refugee many years ago. The other lady also lives in Europe as a refugee. She suffers from cancer and the doctors have given up hope for recovery. Nevertheless she is still traveling and doing her best to spread the gospel among Kurds. Please pray for more volunteers for the production of these programs. Pray for the Kurds who have fled northern Iraq many are open to hearing the gospel. Pray for creative ways to provide the "Women of Hope" program and other TWR programs to the Kurds who have fled the violence since the ISIS group has captured their cities.

**Of the two million people displaced within Iraq, nearly half have fled to safety in Kurdistan, putting huge pressure on the region’s resources, which has led the United Nations to designate the situation as a level-three emergency, the highest classification of a humanitarian crisis. Around 250,000 Syrian refugees were already in Kurdistan camps.
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Tina , Europe and Northern Iraq

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