Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

December 13, 2014

Please pray for women sharing the "Women of Hope" programs with poor non-Christian women in India.
One wrote: "I am a regular listener of the Bengali Asha Moyee Naree ("Women of Hope") program. I am a housewife, and a member of the local Church. I am immensely blessed by this program and because of this program, I have learnt to care for my daughter and husband. The teachings from the Bible and many other moral teachings have impacted my life and in many different ways, it helps my family and me to grow spiritually. In my heart,
I always feel that this program should be shared with all the ladies in the region where I live. My father has a small school for poor non-Christian children. I have a few messages from this radio program on my mobile. Once in a week , I accompany my father to school and play this program for the mothers who come along with their children. I thank and praise God that I am able to tell them about Jesus Christ in this manner.
Please pray for me so that I am able to tell many more ladies about Jesus Christ. Thank you for equipping me with this resource.

Anu, India

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