Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

November 14, 2014

I invite you kindly to pray for Presidential election in Romania this Sunday, 16th of November 2014.
A friend from Romania writes:
The Romanian nation is at a crossroad in history. After 70 years of demonic influence of communism and because of the continuous threat coming from the East (Russia) we are desperate for freedom. This coming Sunday, on the 16th of November, we shall hold the final election for the President of Romania.
Victor Ponta is the current Prime Minister. He is the representative of the left and extremist parties.
Klaus Johannis is the Mayor of Sibiu City. He represents the Christian Liberal Alliance. Under his leadership Sibiu was brought up from bankruptcy to one of the most prosperous and civilized city of the country.
Because of the consequences of the elections the battle is very intense. May you pray with us against the spirits of fear, intimidation and lies?
May the Romania People receive freedom, healing and cleansing in order to discern the will of God.
Ioan Peia

Nick, Romania

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