Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

September 21, 2014

I am in a relationship with an amazing single dad who looks after 9 of his children. I am a single mother with 3 children. He has been separated for 2 yrs and lives in a separate state than his wife. He has come out of an abusive marriage feeling unworthy and like he is a failure. He has sinned and asked God to forgive him. His relationship with God is very strong. Our relationship can not move forward in God as he is still married. Wanting a divorce to move forward and stability, happiness and God in his life for him and his children. She is not a believer. She is refusing to give him a divorce. I ask that God heals his wife's heart and she finds love and forgiveness. Pray for the children who are torn and divided between the two parents causing a lot of pain, lies, deception, condemnation and manipulation in what is being said. Children are loosing their faith. His concern is for his children whose lives are left in limbo. Pray that God's love will be over his children, cover the children's ears to what is being said and eyes to what they are seeing. Pray that the truth will be revealed and God's will will be done in this situation. I left Niu up to the Lord for His hands are upon him to strengthen him and lead him and guide him in the way he should go. Pray that our relationship is of God if it is not to close the door. Clear an almighty path that no man or woman can hinder. God is Good...........He has bought us together for such a time as this!

Vikki-Leigh, Australia

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