Project Hannah

Prayer Requests

September 18, 2014

Thank God for his favor, grace, blessings, and loving kindness. Thanks for the concern; I still use taxi and motorcycle to distribute the prayer bulletins. I wear a long sleeve jacket and shirt when I go out, to avoid body contact while boarding commercial vehicles.
Listed below are the lists of prayer points.
1. Please pray for God to intervene concerning the Ebola crisis here in Liberia and West Africa at large.
2. Pray for families who cannot afford to feed themselves due to the decline in our economy because of Ebola.
3. Pray for God to over throw the hands of every evil doer that is against the destiny of Liberians.
4. Pray that God provides funds to empower Project Hannah women in Liberia, so that 2015 will be a progressive and productive year.
5. Pray for God to raised up potential and committed leaders for Project Hannah Liberia.
6. Pray that God will re-awaken the women in various fellowships.
Please continue to keep us in your individual and collective prayers.
Coordinator Project Hannah Liberia

Esther, Liberia

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